Tuesday, 4 October 2011

0901877 Group Members And Roles

In our last Virtual Environments lesson, we chose who we would like to have in our groups for the Finchingfield project.

List of Group Members:

We decided in order to determine which group members would be given each specific role; we decided to create a mind map displaying our strengths and weaknesses:

Final List of Group Members and their roles and why they have been assigned that role:

0901877 -- Project Manager
The reason why this person was assigned as Project Manager is because they have distinct advantages when it comes to meeting deadlines and report writing. The role of Project Manager involves:
  • Keeping minutes of meeting and uploading them to the blog.
  • Creating and editing Gantt charts throughout the research, design and evaluation processes.
  • Assigning tasks to all group members appropriately. 
  • Spellchecking and grammar checking other group members posts before they are published on the blog.
Also, this group member has stated that they are good at animating objects yet not so good at using techniques and filters efficiently to create the actual models. Seeing as the other group members are good at modelling; their techniques should improve this member's skills in that area sufficiently enough to contribute in that section of the project as well. Attendance should not be too much of an issue for this group member because they should keep good communications anyway with all group members to ensure that they know what tasks have to be completed. So long as communications are upheld, this weakness will not come into effect.

0907803 -- Modeller and Photographer
The reason why this person was assigned as Modeller and Photographer is because they are good at taking photographs, which would be a great advantage during the Finchingfield Trip (the research phase of the project). This person is also very good at modelling objects, which was proven by some high standard of grades last semester in another modelling assignment. The role of Modeller and Photographer involves:
  • Taking good quality photographs using a decent quality camera.
  • Creating realistic models using appropriate filters and techniques. 
  • Creating blog posts with screenshots showing how models were created which will be edited by the Project Manager.
This group member's weaknesses involve the paperwork aspect on the project; however we have all agreed that all blog posts will be edited by the Project Manager before the blog will be submitted. This will ensure quality control over the whole project so that not only will we have a high standard working model but we will have high quality documentation as well.

0907440 -- Modeller and Animator
The reason why this person was assigned as Modeller and Animator is because they are good at modelling and animating objects, which was proven by some high standard of grades last semester in another modelling and animation assignment. The role of Modeller and Animator involves:
  • Creating realistic models using appropriate filters and techniques.
  • Creating blog posts with screenshots showing how models were created which will be edited by the Project Manager. 
  • Animating the objects within the model and recording them in a video to be posted onto the group blog and to be included on a CD to be submitted.
It was established that this group member's biggest weakness is their attendance. However, providing that they keep in contact with the Project Manager so that tasks can be completed at home instead of on campus, then this weakness should not have a major impact on the group and the time management of the project.

General Group Opportunities

This project will really benefit all members in the group because we are all on the Computer Game Development pathway and learning how to make and animate models of buildings will help for future game development situations when world building. These skills will be essential assets when it comes to careers and future jobs in the subject.

The group will also learn from each other, which will improve on some of the individual weaknesses mentioned above.

Time constraints can be a major issue when it comes to working within a group. These are mainly due to group members working on other projects and modules which are running at the same time, particularly the face model which is due in before this assignment. However, providing all group members stick to the Gantt chart created at the beginning of the project, all members attend most (if not all) group meetings, and individuals can admit if work set cannot be completed in time, there should be no real issue here. If, for whatever reason, work is not being completed in complience with the Gantt chart, a meeting can be arranged so that we can make modifications to the Gantt chart to make sure that we do meet the final deadline.

1 comment:

  1. Looks good dani. Im happy with my selected role in the group, keep it up boss ;D
