To make the Guildhall itself the first task is to produce a scale outline of it. To do this we have taken the image found during the secondary research of the floor plan of the renovated guildhall and imported it into 3D Studio Max where it will serve as a reference plate of sorts.
The image found during secondary research used a guide. |
Using the reference plate as a guide building the Guildhall is a simple task at this stage. Box standard primitives are used to make the walls, which are aligned with the plan piece by piece. Doing this ensures that we get a scale model, even if we decide that we need to enlarge the work later in order to focus on the finer details.
Building the Guildhall. |
The walls are one thing, but gaps must also be left for doors and windows. At the time of writing spaces for doors have started to be put into place, but not for windows, as further study of both the floor plan and sketches of the exterior of the Guildhall needs to be done in order to make sure we get every window in the correct place.
To make room for the doors the walls in question are converted into an editable poly. Within polygon mode the polygons that need to be removed are selected and deleted. This leaves us able to see inside the box as polygons only go around the surface of an object, not inside it. To fix this a switch to edge mode is required. With all the edges selected on the left, right and top of the door frame area, cloning is used to drag the edges inwards, forming new polygons along the way and stopping when they meet the other edge.
Selecting Polygons for Deletion. |
Space for a Door. |
Adding New Polygons. |
The base of the door is left with polygons facing downwards as a result of this process. Although at this stage we don't really know if this will be an issue or not, it is actually easily fixed by selecting the affected polygons, along with the one to either side of the affected area and in polygon mode using the flip option.
Now the Flipped Polygons Face Down. |
The Ground Floor - Currently Under Construction |
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