Friday, 14 October 2011

0901877 Minutes of Meeting 2

Meeting on: 14/10/2011 in Room 303C

I was the only member of my group to attend university today, therefore none of the topics could be discussed as a group in person. However, if any group member has anythign to add to my own contributions in this post, then please comment below and I will adjust this report at a later date.

The purpose of this meeting was: 

  • Review the Research Methodology Report
Group members can comment on the report if there are any methodologies missed out or if they have anything else to add. However, I think I managed to cover the methodologies that we need in order to startdesigning and modelling.
  • Ensure that all primary research has been posted to the blog.
Primary research was posted to the blog prior to this meeting however, some adjustments will need to be made. For example, some of the images which are supposed to be portrait are landscape and some of the images are the wrong way round. I also think it would be a good idea to group images and allign them to the left which will allow me to add captions to aid us and to aid anyone else looking at our log so they know what each individual image shows.
  • Look at secondary research that has been gethered. 
Some secondary research has been gathered and an explaination as to why this research will be useful has been discussed. If possible, other external sites can be looked at to discover any more images which can be useful - particularly of the surroundings of the building as it would be nice to construct a model of the courtyard as well.  
  • Add captions to the images to explain what they all are. 
As mentioned above. 
  • To discuss and set drawing tasks for each individual group member.
This task will be very awkward seeing as I am the only group member present. However, we will need someone to draw out the outline of the building (as a floor plan view, see website and see floor plan view in the leaflet), we will need someone to draw the whole exterior of the building, including the surrounding garden and we will need someone to draw example items of what will be found inside the refurbished building (for example, toilet cubicles, sinks, doors, windows, any original features). These images need to be on an A4 sheet and brought to the next group meeting on the 21/10/2011. This is very important because I will tidy up drawings and go over them with pen to make them suitable for scanning and posting on the blog before we begin modelling. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to comment below or email me. 


  1. I have no complaints about this boss, ill not only rotate the images properly but ill re-align them to the left hand side so there is space for comments. (btw the images have all been posted in the order they where taken so from room to room, also there appears to be a spelling mistake on the last paragraph on the minuets e.g items of HAT will be found)

  2. Hahaha boss!

    Thanks I really appreciate it :) that'll be a massive help cause I don't know how far you've got with your head model, but I'm only just doing the back of my head now. So group work has taken a back seat for now might mean we have extra work to do the following week if that's ok? After head has been handed in.

    and LOL thanks I'll correct the error in a minute.
