Tuesday 11 October 2011

0901877 Group Meeting 2 Agenda

Meeting on: 14/10/2011 in Room 303C

Expected Attendees: 
0907803 -- Attendee has told me that they will not be able to attend

The purpose of this meeting will be: 

  • Review the Research Methodology Report.
  • Ensure that all primary research has been posted to the blog.
  • Look at secondary research that has been gethered.
  • Add captions to the images to explain what they all are. 
  • To discuss and set drawing tasks for each individual group member. 
Any information in this meeting will have to be relayed back to 0907803 due to absences. Please look at this page for task updates in this weeks minutes of meeting.

1 comment:

  1. This is fine, ill keep checking and get those images up soon
