Friday 21 October 2011

0901877 Minutes of Meeting 3

Meeting on: 21/10/2011 in Room 303C


The purpose of this meeting was:
  • To ensure that all tasks have been completed up until the drawing stage.
Up to the drawing stage, the only task which needs to be completed is the description of images which have been posted to the blog, though they have been rotated now and they are ready to use. This task will be completed during this tutorial. Extra secondary research can also be performed and the relevant blog post can be updated, which will probably boost our overall mark.
  • If any drawings have been completed, they should be reviewed.
Due to other commitments regarding the head model, it means that only one set of drawings were established. 0907440 has completed a ground plan of the building in its entirity. It has been decided that 0901877 will draw example items to be modeled and used within the series of rooms in the building and 0907803 will draw the exterior of the building and its surrounding area.

The ground plan is very good, all that needs adding is slight annotation on how some parts can be implemented and if I have time I will add colour to it to make it look more presentable. The other drawings will be reviewed and edited next week.
  • Any drawings can start to be transferred into a working model.
We are experimenting with different scales for the building. Hopefully, by next week, we can start the modelling process properly.

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