Friday, 28 October 2011

0901877 Minutes of Meeting 4

Meeting on: 28/10/2011 in Room 303C
The purpose of this meeting was:
  • To continue with the modelling process.
This has been continued outside of class sessions by all group members and we are very pleased with our progress so far.
  • If any group members have any issues with their models, this will be the opportunity to discuss.
There are no issues so far.
Richard said in class today that we should be updating our individual blogs as well. However, I feel that we are coping fine as we are all contributing to one blog and it is easier to follow with all of the information in front of you on one page. Also, this is a more prefered method because if a group member is not in university (for whatever reason) they can follow the lead from the other group members and pick up from where has been left off. When it comes to the deadline, I will hand in all the group meetings etc. because I am project manager. Everyone else will have to copy and paste their work from this blog into a word processor.
If anyone is confused by this, feel free to comment here or contact me.

0901877 Group Meeting 4 Agenda

Meeting on: 28/10/2011 in Room 303C
Expected Attendees:

The purpose of this meeting will be:
  • To continue with the modelling process .
  • If any group members have any issues with their models, this will be the opportunity to discuss.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

0907440 - Early Work on the Guildhall Walls

To make the Guildhall itself the first task is to produce a scale outline of it. To do this we have taken the image found during the secondary research of the floor plan of the renovated guildhall and imported it into 3D Studio Max where it will serve as a reference plate of sorts. 
The image found during secondary research used a guide.
Using the reference plate as a guide building the Guildhall is a simple task at this stage. Box standard primitives are used to make the walls, which are aligned with the plan piece by piece. Doing this ensures that we get a scale model, even if we decide that we need to enlarge the work later in order to focus on the finer details.
Building the Guildhall.
The walls are one thing, but gaps must also be left for doors and windows. At the time of writing spaces for doors have started to be put into place, but not for windows, as further study of both the floor plan and sketches of the exterior of the Guildhall needs to be done in order to make sure we get every window in the correct place.

To make room for the doors the walls in question are converted into an editable poly. Within polygon mode the polygons that need to be removed are selected and deleted. This leaves us able to see inside the box as polygons only go around the surface of an object, not inside it. To fix this a switch to edge mode is required. With all the edges selected on the left, right and top of the door frame area, cloning is used to drag the edges inwards, forming new polygons along the way and stopping when they meet the other edge.

Selecting Polygons for Deletion.
Space for a Door.
Adding New Polygons.
The base of the door is left with polygons facing downwards as a result of this process. Although at this stage we don't really know if this will be an issue or not, it is actually easily fixed by selecting the affected polygons, along with the one to either side of the affected area and in polygon mode using the flip option.

Now the Flipped Polygons Face Down.
The Ground Floor - Currently Under Construction

0907440 - Sketch of the Floor Plan

This is a sketch of the floor plan for the fully renovated Guildhall. It is a copy of the plan from the official website, but without the large writing splashed over it. Unfortunately the online plan has such a small resolution, making it impossible to see what the finer details are. Further research may need to be done in order to get a more complete idea about what the Guildhall is to look like.

Friday, 21 October 2011

0901877 Minutes of Meeting 3

Meeting on: 21/10/2011 in Room 303C


The purpose of this meeting was:
  • To ensure that all tasks have been completed up until the drawing stage.
Up to the drawing stage, the only task which needs to be completed is the description of images which have been posted to the blog, though they have been rotated now and they are ready to use. This task will be completed during this tutorial. Extra secondary research can also be performed and the relevant blog post can be updated, which will probably boost our overall mark.
  • If any drawings have been completed, they should be reviewed.
Due to other commitments regarding the head model, it means that only one set of drawings were established. 0907440 has completed a ground plan of the building in its entirity. It has been decided that 0901877 will draw example items to be modeled and used within the series of rooms in the building and 0907803 will draw the exterior of the building and its surrounding area.

The ground plan is very good, all that needs adding is slight annotation on how some parts can be implemented and if I have time I will add colour to it to make it look more presentable. The other drawings will be reviewed and edited next week.
  • Any drawings can start to be transferred into a working model.
We are experimenting with different scales for the building. Hopefully, by next week, we can start the modelling process properly.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

0901877 Group Meeting 3 Agenda

Meeting on: 21/10/2011 in Room 303C

Expected Attendees: 

The purpose of this meeting will be: 

  • To ensure that all tasks have been completed up until the drawing stage.
  • If any drawings have been completed, they should be reviewed.
  • Any drawings can start to be transferred into a working model.  
Note: It's deadline day for the head model tomorrow so it will be understandable if drawings have not been completed up until this point. We can make up for this in the coming week. 

Friday, 14 October 2011

0901877 Minutes of Meeting 2

Meeting on: 14/10/2011 in Room 303C

I was the only member of my group to attend university today, therefore none of the topics could be discussed as a group in person. However, if any group member has anythign to add to my own contributions in this post, then please comment below and I will adjust this report at a later date.

The purpose of this meeting was: 

  • Review the Research Methodology Report
Group members can comment on the report if there are any methodologies missed out or if they have anything else to add. However, I think I managed to cover the methodologies that we need in order to startdesigning and modelling.
  • Ensure that all primary research has been posted to the blog.
Primary research was posted to the blog prior to this meeting however, some adjustments will need to be made. For example, some of the images which are supposed to be portrait are landscape and some of the images are the wrong way round. I also think it would be a good idea to group images and allign them to the left which will allow me to add captions to aid us and to aid anyone else looking at our log so they know what each individual image shows.
  • Look at secondary research that has been gethered. 
Some secondary research has been gathered and an explaination as to why this research will be useful has been discussed. If possible, other external sites can be looked at to discover any more images which can be useful - particularly of the surroundings of the building as it would be nice to construct a model of the courtyard as well.  
  • Add captions to the images to explain what they all are. 
As mentioned above. 
  • To discuss and set drawing tasks for each individual group member.
This task will be very awkward seeing as I am the only group member present. However, we will need someone to draw out the outline of the building (as a floor plan view, see website and see floor plan view in the leaflet), we will need someone to draw the whole exterior of the building, including the surrounding garden and we will need someone to draw example items of what will be found inside the refurbished building (for example, toilet cubicles, sinks, doors, windows, any original features). These images need to be on an A4 sheet and brought to the next group meeting on the 21/10/2011. This is very important because I will tidy up drawings and go over them with pen to make them suitable for scanning and posting on the blog before we begin modelling. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to comment below or email me. 

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

0901877 Group Meeting 2 Agenda

Meeting on: 14/10/2011 in Room 303C

Expected Attendees: 
0907803 -- Attendee has told me that they will not be able to attend

The purpose of this meeting will be: 

  • Review the Research Methodology Report.
  • Ensure that all primary research has been posted to the blog.
  • Look at secondary research that has been gethered.
  • Add captions to the images to explain what they all are. 
  • To discuss and set drawing tasks for each individual group member. 
Any information in this meeting will have to be relayed back to 0907803 due to absences. Please look at this page for task updates in this weeks minutes of meeting.

0907440 - Secondary Research

Secondary research for the Guildhall project can be found at the following web address.

Here we can find the floor plan for the guildhall restorations, as well as detailed explanations about what the restoration project aims to achieve. We will be able to use this in our project to know just what we need to be animating and what new 3D models will need to be produced that we can't base from photographs taken during the trip to the guildhall. Although we will likely keep discovering things we need to add during the course of the project I have already been able to determine some of the objects that will be needed for the Guildhall. These include various tables, armchairs, a cash register, bookcases, a fireplace, which may or may not be two way (further research required), a lift and computers, as well as everything you'd expert to find in a kitchen and toilet facilities.

0907803 - Photos from Finchingfield

This is the exterior of the guildhall that we are modeling. This image will be very useful for retrieving materials for the roof and the fascia of the buildings. Also, if we have any spare time, we intend on including the grave yard and surrounding gardens to give a good setting for the guildhall model to be situated in.

This is the site entrance. Ideas can be taken from the trees to be placed in the surrounding environment.

This is the structured walkway which links the guildhall to the main road. This is one of the original features which is going to be kept during the renovation process.

This is the gate which links the churchyard and garden to the guildhall building. Details can be used in the gate and in the flowers on the outside of the path.

This image shows the height of the door frame (roughly) and also shows the detail beneath where the roof sticks out.

Details on the door can be taken and used on the model doors.

This room is what will be the library.

This image shows the other side of the library. The windows will be remaining after the renovation work has been completed.

Room that will become part of the library, probably a seating area

The toilet is going to be knocked down and will be joint as part of the library.

There are original beams which feature throughout the bottom floor of the guildhall. This image will be very useful for use because this will form the main structure of the ceiling of the bottom floor.

Far right stairs the leads to the reception hall.

Kitchen that is being taken out and turned into the reception hall

Room that is becoming the gents toilets next to the reception hall

Cupboard being knocked out and is going to be joined to the reception hall

Room that is becoming the ladies toilets next to the reception hall

Middle starcase leading to what will be part of the guild hall (the stairs will be removed)

A kitchen that will become a part of the guild hall

Right most wall that will become part of the guild hall

The wall that will be knocked out to join with the current guild hall

Airing cupboard, being knocked out to join with the guild hall.

Far most wall, will be on your right when you enter the guild hall form the reception hall. Windows are staying as are the beams

Room that is being extended to become part of the downstairs museum

A cupboard that is being knocked out and joint the the museum

These are the original doors which will be preserved and used for the toilet doors. I can use this image to extract materials for use in the main project.

This toilet block will be knocked down and will be replaced with a lift, travelling between the ground floor museum and the guildhall main room.

This is the door in the museum, which is in-between the two stairways leading up to the guildhall main space. This is an original feature. Note that the lock is upside down.

This image shows the infrastructure of the wall and shows the wonky angles of the beams in the walls.

The original beams holding up the guild hall. these will be kept and reinforced for the restoration

This is a door that has been blocked off a long time ago (by previous owners). The wall will be knocked through however, if it is possible to keep the original structure of the door we will do because it is very relevant to the history of the building.

The right wall of the archway:

The left wall off the archway:

These are the beams underneath the archway. These features will be staying during the renovation.

This is the current museum. it is being removed and replaced with the main building entrance and a shop

This is the other end of the shop:

This is the hill on which the guildhall has been situated.

This image shows the back of the guildhall. This image will be very useful in positioning windows and so that we have a closer look at the beams underneath the top floor which is sticking out from the bottom floor.

This is the back side of the archway which leads to the main road.

This hatch will be situated at the other side of the accessible toilets. It will be staying because it is an original feature however it will be welded so it cannot open for obvious reasons.

This room is where the accessible toilets will be situated.

This is the door which is leading towards the stairway going up to the service hall.

This image shows the detailing on the wall coming up from the stairway.

These are the iron railings of the stairway.

This is one of the feature walls at the top of the staircase near service hall. This feature will be staying and textures and materials can be taken from this image to help us in the final model.

This is an image showing the main beam running across the ceiling of the big guildhall main room.

This image is one of the main walls in the guildhall main room. This image is useful because the materials will remain the same and the materials can be copied onto the final model.

This photo shows the difference in height of the ceiling from each side of the room.

This photo also shows the difference in height of the ceiling from each side of the room.

This is the guildhall flooring which will remain the same however it will be restored, polished and made more even. This is because one side of the room is much more slanted compared to the other. This renovation will make it more suitable for public use.

This is the window in the guildhall. All windows will be made with the same original features. This swirled design will be attached to all of the windows throughout the building.

This firepace will be removed and the wall will be flattened. This will make the guildhall main room bigger.

This image shows the guild hall window. All of the windows will be of the same, if not similar format. This picture is very useful because if we model this one window, it can be used anywhere a window is featured in the building.

More detailing to the windows. 

This image is in the corner of what will be the kitchen once it has been renovated. The wall is slanted and this has to be taken in consideration when we start making the final model.

This is one of the cupboards which was found in what will be the future kitchen. This will be removed and be replaced with kitchen worktops.

This is the room where the deed was found inside the crate. This room will be the kitchen after the renovstion has been completed.

This part of the wood work is staying after the renpvation. This will be very useful because we can take the material and utilise it in the final model.

This is a historic plaque which was near to the entrance of the guildhall. This piece of history will also be staying.

This image shows the cobbled flooring underneath the archway. This is a feature that is staying, however it will be flattened to allow better access to the public (i.e. wheelchairs and pushchairs), it will be extended and will connect to a viewing platform.