Monday, 19 December 2011

0901877 Just A Note To Marker

NOTE: We have all made an equivalent contribution to the group blog, however to see what each group member has completed individually, I have asked for all posts to begin with the students SID number. This is intended to help work out who has posted what.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

0907803 Slice Tool, The Old to The New

 Inorder for the tansition to work, I had to take the finished model of the newly renivated building and create the chinges it needed to look like the old one. For this I reliyed hevily on te photos I took from Finchingfield. Using them as a referance I was able to cerate walls to cover up the windows that where chainging, as well as positon the second chimnie what was a copy of the first on into the correct place. Then I had to construct the overhand that was to later be replaced by te wooden walkway. This was easy enough as it is simply a three sided box with copys of some the the doors that where used else were in the project.
 After that, then I applyed a seperate slice tool to each of the walls that where chinging, as well as the overhand and the chimnie. This was so I could chouse the pacing of each slice seperatly inorder to get the desiard affect.
 I also grouped the outside wall and hte wooden walkway, then applyed a slice tool to them as well. This is because these are to be build during the renivation and after the overhang is removed.
This is the new guild hall after the slice tool has hidden all of the old modifications and revield all of the new ones

0907803 Buildings

These buildings are at the back of the guild hall on the otehr side of the road. They where only creted to give the view something to look at when the camra passes the windows. As such, not much detail was put into them, they are infact just a series of plans with tectures aplyed. The only note worthing think about them is that I decided to try and get textures of buildings around Finchingfields, because of this, one of the buildings is a pub called "THE RED LOIN" which is actualy opposite the guildhall.

0907803 Sinks and Tapes

The sink is simply made out of a box and then using the soft select tool, I draged the middle point down until it sloped nicely, then I simply added a thin cylinder for the plug. The tap was slightly more complicated. I is mainly made out of three cylinders. The handle is just a thin cylinder that was tilted and murged into the spout. The bottom cylinder was curved by using the soft select tool anlong with the move tool. I simply moved the bottom vertices backword and the tap curved. The nosal of the tap is a small, simple tube that was curved slightly inorder to fit onto the curving serfice of the spute.

0907803 Toilet

The toilet was tricky. I created the bowl by using a box with plenty of vertices so I could manipulate them as I wanted. First I shaped the outside of the bowl by selecting the middle row of vertices and, with the soft select on, pulled them closer together. This created the nice curve that makes the bowl slop like an hourglass.  The inside of the bowl was created using a similar method. I simply selected the middle vertices on the top of the bowl and, with soft select on. I dragged it down, making sure that the overflow from the soft select left and even rim around the top of the bowl. The back is simply made of a rectangle with a chamfer applied to the top of it, then it simple rest on top of another rectangle that links it to the base.
I then attached all of these together in order to create one object and then applied the symmetry tool to create the hole toilet, I needed to do this know so I could work out how big the seat needed to be.
The seat was created the same way as the arc gravestones however with more vertices. Also as the seat needed depth, after I used the soft select tool to move the vertices into an arc, I applied the extrude tool. However as the soft select made the back of the seat curve slightly as well, rather then retry to so it with a flat edge, I simply attached a thin box to the back of the seat.

This is the seat with the symmetry modifier applied to the rest of the toilet. I kept the seat a separate object so we could move the hinge should we which to animate it opening and closing.

The handle was simply created out of three cylinders of different sizes attached together, and then the gyro moved off that it would rotate around the section attached to the toilet. Again I kept this a separate object so it would be easier to apply a different texture and so we could animate it moving if we wished.  

This is the toilet with the texture applied and a turbo smooth applied to the seat.  All in all I am quite proud of this as it looks quite realistic despite its relative simplicity.

Friday, 16 December 2011

0907803 - Creating the roof

The roof was quite complicated. Each side of it is created out of a single plane but with both planes being 4 segments in length and   5 segments in width. This was so I had enough vertices to try and match the bumpy and lopsided flow of the guildhall roof. I lined up the architectural drawings of both side view and front view of the guildhall with these planes so I had a guide line and reference point with which to follow.  I also extruded both of these planes to create a long thin box. Then I began to move the individual vertices to correspond with the appropriate architectural drawing until the roof was in the necessary shape. I then added a roof tile texture onto the planes and then attached and welded them together in order to create one object.  I also created the chimney for the guildhall in this section. The chimney itself was created out of three separate boxes with chamfer edges applied then attached together. I did keep the roof and the chimney separate objects because they not only needed different textures but chimney would be needed to be replicated at a later date.  I did not apply a texture to the chimney at this time as we were unsure what finish it would have when there renovations where complete.

0907803 - Gravestones

There were two types of gravestones I created for the Graveyard next to the guildhall. They were both the traditional gravestones of a Cross and an arched plaque. The cross is made from two simply planes with only 1 face on each. As you can guess I simply crossed the smaller one over the larger at an appropriate height then attached them together and applied a stone texture with a bump. The second grave stone was created out of one single plane with 5 vertices along its length.  Then using the soft select tool I moved the middle two vertices up, this arced the others into a nice curve. Then I simply added the same stone texture as before and it was done.  As I knew that both of these where going to be replicated several times each I kept them both flat, rather than extruding them in order to keep the overall number of polygons as far down as I could.

0907803 Trees

The trees in the scene are simply created with the foliage tool in 3D MAX. They just needed there leafs and fruits removed in order to fit with the winter theme. This was actually quite lucky as the extra faces and polygons the leaf’s created was a grate drain on the computers to render them.

0907803 Road and paths

The road and the paths where created again using planes and textures with bump applied. The only real difference between these two and the other planes the scene is that there textures had to be heavily modified in Photoshop before they could be applied. The road texture was especially difficulty as it was not tiled needed the lines added to it in order to make it work. I also extruded them and turned them into 3d boxes. This was mainly important for the paths as they needed to be higher up then the road on account of the sidewalk.

0907803 - Grass

The grass is simply a plane that I created with 10 vertices in both width and length. Then with the soft select tool applied I moved these vertices up and down to create a slight bumpy and hilly ground. Then it simply had a grass texture applied along with the bump tool to give it the look of a grassy plane. Much like with the sky, when the snow starts to fall, the texture of the grass needed to change to match the scene. This was achieved my creating a duplicate of the plane slightly on top of the original. This new plane was given a snowed on grass texture and then hidden from view completely with the slice tool. Then when the timing was right the slice tool was pulled down and the plane was reviled much like the sky. This created a nice and smooth looking transition between the two planes.

0907803 - Settleing the snow

It took a while to figure out how to stop the snow (which 0901877 created) from falling through the guildhall and instead settle on the roof. I eventually discovered the Deflector tool. When this tool was linked to the snow generator, the particles reflected of it. In order to make them settle on top of it I had to reduce the bounce values in the deflector to zero and then also apply a gravity tool to the snow itself, so the particles would be pulled to the deflector. This however made all the snow in the scene drift one way so I had to create a replica of the snow generator and remove the gravity affects. This made the snow much more natural. Then I had it follow the outside camera so that it was always covered in snow.  However because the camera was so close to the snow fall, and the way the snow tumbled, they occasionally drifted into shadow and became pitch black. So in order to stop this I created another omi light behind the camera and made it so it only affected the snow particle. This removed the back shadow effects on them quite effectively.   

0907803- Creating the sky

The sky was created simply my using a large sphere with the faces reversed. Then a cloudy texture was applied and an omi light was added in order to give off light inside the sphere.  A slightly larger sphere was also created and again had its faces flipped so the texture was on the inside. Then a much more clouded texture was applied to it and it enveloped the original sphere. Then using the slice tool I was able to create a transition between the two for when the snow stared to fall.  

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

0907440 - Camera Path Plan (First Floor)

This is the continuation of the internal camera path sketches. The camera comes up the stairs from where it left off in the previous sketch (but will be made as a single animation), into the reception hall. After a look around here it will show where the new toilets will be placed, before returning back the way it came and moving past the chimney breast it will move into the Guildhall. It will look around here then move into the kitchen. Moving back out of the kitchen a possible finish would be stop so the camera is looking out of one of the first floor windows.

0907440 - Camera Path Plan (Ground Floor)

The following is a little sketch that I have made to show a plan for how the camera will move through the ground floor of the building. This does not include any path the camera will follow outside the Guildhall, and a second sketch will be produced for the first floor. The camera starts in position:

X: -639.258
Y: 175.931
Z: 48.359

It rotates around the shop then moves into the first museum room, angled to get a look at the map, and then will move into the larger of the museum rooms, getting a good look at the contents. It will leave the museum via the glazed walkway, and enter the library. After a look around here the camera will leave the room, coming back into the glazed walkway area and will proceed to the stairs.